Set up

setup your credentials

Get the credential files

curl -L -o pilm103_rsa

Look for the pilm03_rsa file. Normally is good to save it inside the ~.ssh/ folder so it is private. Copy the file to that location:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh

mv pilm103_rsa ~/.ssh/.

Check the file permission: ll ~/.ssh/pilm103_rsa

It should show something like this:

-rw-------@ 1 lpantano staff 1.7K May 23 10:32 /Users/lpantano/.ssh/pilm103_rsa

If not, type this:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/pilm103_rsa

Then add the following lines to this file ~/.ssh/config (Open it with Atom editor if you don’t have experience editing from the terminal). This file contains information on how to connect to different computers: like username, hostname

Host pilm103
User lpantano
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/pilm103_rsa
UseKeychain yes

UseKeychain, only in OSX systems

change the username to the one given to you

This will do that you can connect to that space just by doing ssh pilm03 and if you are on:

  • mac OSX: you will be asked for the password once and it’ll save it until you restart your computer
  • linux: things are not that nice here, but it is not that bad :). You can do the following to get ask by the password only once.
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/pilm103_rsa
# type the passphrase you used when registering your account

Test your connection

Now is the time to try and connect:

ssh pilm103

You need to get this working to move forward.

Create working folder

mkdir pilm103