Usage of cluster

most used commands on a cluster

Full tutorial to learn hpc

  • login node
  • computing node

interactive jobs

srun --time=0:15:00 --mem=200  --pty  /bin/bash

Notice how the computer names has change to something like `nodeXXX`

md5sum pilm103/work/*gz

ctrl+d to exit from the computing node.

Exercise: send md5sum to interactive

srun --time=0:5:00 --mem=200 md5sum pilm103/work/sample.fastq.gz

Batch jobs

Download the script from here:


It looks like that:

#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=200
#SBATCH -t 00:1:00
#SBATCH -J "init"
#SBATCH -e run.e
#SBATCH -o run.o
## SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL # this line is commented
## SBATCH  # this line is commented

sleep 60 # wait 60 seconds
md5sum pilm103/work/sample.fastq.gz

You can check that by typing cat run_test.slurm.

Exercise: send md5sum to queue

sbatch run_test.slurm

Check your jobs:

squeue -u lpantano