, cd folder
, cd ..
, ctrl+d
Look for the eofe-key
file. The standard location is inside the ~.ssh/
folder with tight permissions, so it is private and only your user has access to it. Copy the file to that location:
Create the folder if it doesn’t exists: mkdir -p ~/.ssh
Move the file to the location: mv PATH_TO_EOFE_KEY/eofe-key ~/.ssh/.
Check the file’s permission: ll ~/.ssh/eofe-key
The file’s permission should look like this (look at the left hand side, the rw part):
-rw-------@ 1 lpantano staff 1.7K May 23 10:32 /Users/lpantano/.ssh/eofe-key
If not, type this:
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/eofe-key
Then add the following lines to this file ~/.ssh/config
(Open it with Atom editor if you don’t have experience editing from the terminal). This file contains information on how to connect to different computers: like username
, hostname
Host mit
User lpantano
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/eofe-key
UseKeychain yes
UseKeychain, only in OSX systems
change the username to yours
This will allow you to connect just by issuing ssh mit
and if you are on:
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/eofe-key
Type the password you gave during registration
Now is the time to try and connect:
ssh mit
You need to get this working to move forward
mkdir pilm103
Every group at PILM has a private and shared space folder:
ls /net/eofe-data004/mnt/pool/picower001/
You should see this:
|$ ls /net/eofe-data004/mnt/pool/picower001/
general heimanlab lhtsailab littletonlab surlab tyelab wilsonlab xulab
inside your group folder, you have the following structure: