DIY:Online tutorials

All these materials are the effort of great people working hard to make their work available to everybody. If you like any of you see below, please send them an email thanking them for their work.

  1. Training team at Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core: hbctraining(at)
  2. Jeff Oliver: jcoliver(at)
  3. Sean Davis: twitter: @seandavis12 -


  1. Introduction to Shell - training team at Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core.

  2. Introduction to R - training team at Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core.

  3. Introduction to tidyverse - Jeff Oliver

  4. Introduction to R and Bioc - Sean Davis


  1. RNAseq overview - training team at Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core.

  2. RNAseq with salmon - training team at Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core.

Web-based tools

  1. g:Profiler – a web server for functional enrichment analysis and conversions of gene lists: you need to go to Advance options and click on Custom in statistical domain scope, then you can paste the background list

  2. Gestalt

  3. ChEA for TF enrichment analysis